Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel Murders by Mark Sohn

Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel Murders by Mark Sohn

Author:Mark Sohn
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: sherlock holmes, mystery, crime, british crime, sherlock holmes fiction, sherlock holmes novel, jack the ripper
ISBN: 9781787050600
Publisher: Andrews UK Limited 2017
Published: 2017-02-23T00:00:00+00:00

An Interview at Scotland Yard

The next day I covered my rounds quickly and finally made my mind up; I would tell Holmes of my intention to wed Miss Mary Morstan. Those among you familiar with my transcriptions will doubtless recall the case in which fate decreed our entwining, but for those others I advert you to the case referred to as The Sign of The Four. With matrimony in mind, I spent a happy afternoon casting about for suitable practice and lodgings. Several seemed suited, though the best was rather above my means. I would tell Holmes–and before another day had passed. True it was that I had dreaded the dissolution of our partnership, the fruits of which had proved manifold. However, these last months had been intolerable-not only had we been powerless to prevent the brutal murders of several women, but I had been assaulted and, if I am to be honest, my heart was not in it.

The last place on my list was in the Paddington district and seemed excellent for my purpose, being adjacent to another equally busy practice. The situation of the pair seemed ideal, offering a steady stream of patients, such as the poor fellow being helped from a hansom outside. I stepped aside to allow the aged cleric past. The old chap walked with a pronounced stoop and the onset of palsy, when the glint from beneath his spectacles betrayed his interest in me. Straightening my jacket I frowned sternly; this was an intrusion too far!. ‘Really Holmes, must you spy on me in such an obvious fashion?.’ ‘You have excelled yourself, Watson-really you have!.’ It was Holmes, but standing behind me!. Indicating the waiting cab, he seemed happier than I had seen him in some time. ‘Climb in, we have a drive ahead of us.’ With a crack of the reins, the horse started off, Holmes passing across a paper of sandwiches and a flask containing some brandy. ‘A toast Watson-the happy couple!.’ If I had had a start already it was as none to the shock I had on noticing and reading the inscription upon the silver. To my friend and colleague John Watson MD with the fondest regards SH . What could I possibly say against such a man?-I was seized anew with admiration for this finest of men, resolving in future to hide nothing from him.

There are perhaps no better known streets to find a gentleman’s tailor than Savile Row or Jermyn Street, yet Holmes was interested in neither. The odd receipt he had found amongst the Eddowes woman’s effects was, he was convinced, a payment for something other than a few suits. As such a curiosity was unlikely to be for legitimate purposes, it was likely to belong to one of many East End tailors of less repute, of which there were many. It seemed impossible to me given the number of shops crowded into the streets, back-streets and alleys of the area that we would have any success. I had reckoned without Holmes’ keen insight however.


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